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Amsal / Proverbs / 잠언
- 31 -
Terjemahan Baru 1974
아가페 쉬운 성경 1994

[Bahasa Indonesia Sehari Hari 1985]
English Amplified 2015

[Versi Mudah Dibaca 2006]
31:1-9 = Amsal-amsal untuk Lemuel dari ibunya
(1) Inilah perkataan Lemuel, raja Masa, yang diajarkan ibunya kepadanya.
(1) 르무엘 왕의 어머니가 그를 가르쳤던 말씀입니다.
(1) {The Words of Lemuel}The words of King Lemuel, the oracle, which his mother taught him:
(2) Apa yang akan kukatakan, anakku, anak kandungku, anak nazarku?
(2) 오, 내 아들아, 오, 내 태에서 나온 내 아들아, 오, 내가 서원해서 얻은 내 아들아!
(2) What, O my son? And what, O son of my womb? And what [shall I advise you], O son of my vows?
(3) Jangan berikan kekuatanmu kepada perempuan, dan jalanmu kepada perempuan-perempuan yang membinasakan raja-raja.
(3) 네 힘을 여자들에게 쏟지 마라. 왕을 멸망시킨 여자들에게 네 기력을 탕진하지 마라.
(3) Do not give your [generative] strength to women [neither foreign wives in marriages of alliances, nor concubines], Nor your ways to that which destroys kings.
(4) Tidaklah pantas bagi raja, hai Lemuel, tidaklah pantas bagi raja meminum anggur, ataupun bagi para pembesar mengingini minuman keras,
(4) 오, 르무엘아, 포도주를 마시는 것은 왕에게 합당하지 않다. 독주를 탐하는 것은 통치자에게 합당하지 않다.
(4) It is not for kings, O Lemuel, It is not for kings to drink wine, Or for rulers to desire strong drink,
(5) jangan sampai karena minum ia melupakan apa yang telah ditetapkan, dan membengkokkan hak orang-orang yang tertindas.
(5) 술을 마시고 법을 망각하고 압제당하는 자들을 무자비하게 다룰까 두렵다.
(5) Otherwise they drink and forget the law and its decrees, And pervert the rights and justice of all the afflicted.
(6) Berikanlah minuman keras itu kepada orang yang akan binasa, dan anggur itu kepada yang susah hati.
(6) 독주는 죽게 된 자에게나 주고, 포도주는 근심하는 자나 마시게 하여라.
(6) Give strong drink [as medicine] to him who is ready to pass away, And wine to him whose life is bitter.
(7) Biarlah ia minum dan melupakan kemiskinannya, dan tidak lagi mengingat kesusahannya.
(7) 그것으로 잠시나마 그들의 고통을 잊게 하여라.
(7) Let him drink and forget his poverty And no longer remember his trouble.
(8) Bukalah mulutmu untuk orang yang bisu, untuk hak semua orang yang merana.
(8) 너는 스스로 자기 사정을 알리지 못하는 자들을 살펴 주고, 힘 없는 자들을 대변하여라.
(8) Open your mouth for the mute, For the rights of all who are unfortunate and defenseless;
(9) Bukalah mulutmu, ambillah keputusan secara adil dan berikanlah kepada yang tertindas dan yang miskin hak mereka.
(9) 공평하게 재판하여라. 가난한 자와 궁핍한 자의 권리를 변호해 주어라.
(9) Open your mouth, judge righteously, And administer justice for the afflicted and needy.
31:10-31 = Puji-pujian untuk isteri yang cakap
(10) Isteri yang cakap siapakah akan mendapatkannya? Ia lebih berharga dari pada permata.
(10) 누가 현숙한 아내를 얻겠는가? 그녀는 비싼 진주에 비길 수 없이 귀하다.
(10) {Description of a Worthy Woman}An excellent woman [one who is spiritual, capable, intelligent, and virtuous], who is he who can find her? Her value is more precious than jewels and her worth is far above rubies or pearls.
(11) Hati suaminya percaya kepadanya, suaminya tidak akan kekurangan keuntungan.
(11) 그녀의 남편은 아내를 신뢰하여 아무런 부족함이 없을 것이다.
(11) The heart of her husband trusts in her [with secure confidence], And he will have no lack of gain.
(12) Ia berbuat baik kepada suaminya dan tidak berbuat jahat sepanjang umurnya.
(12) 그녀는 평생 남편을 잘 되게 하고 결코 해를 끼치지 않는다.
(12) She comforts, encourages, and does him only good and not evil All the days of her life.
(13) Ia mencari bulu domba dan rami, dan senang bekerja dengan tangannya.
(13) 그녀는 양털과 삼을 구하여 손을 부지런히 놀려 일하고
(13) She looks for wool and flax And works with willing hands in delight.
(14) Ia serupa kapal-kapal saudagar, dari jauh ia mendatangkan makanannya.
(14) 상선처럼 멀리서 양식을 구해 온다.
(14) She is like the merchant ships [abounding with treasure]; She brings her [household's] food from far away.
(15) Ia bangun kalau masih malam, lalu menyediakan makanan untuk seisi rumahnya, dan membagi-bagikan tugas kepada pelayan-pelayannya perempuan.
(15) 그녀는 이른 새벽에 일어나 가족의 밥상을 차려 주고 여종들에게 일감을 할당해 준다.
(15) She rises also while it is still night And gives food to her household And assigns tasks to her maids.
(16) Ia membeli sebuah ladang yang diingininya, dan dari hasil tangannya kebun anggur ditanaminya.
(16) 그녀는 밭을 잘 골라 사고, 손수 포도원을 가꾼다.
(16) She considers a field before she buys or accepts it [expanding her business prudently]; With her profits she plants fruitful vines in her vineyard.
(17) Ia mengikat pinggangnya dengan kekuatan, ia menguatkan lengannya.
(17) 힘있게 허리띠를 묶고, 자기 할 일을 당차게 처리한다.
(17) She equips herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for her God-given task] And makes her arms strong.
(18) Ia tahu bahwa pendapatannya menguntungkan, pada malam hari pelitanya tidak padam.
(18) 자기의 일이 유익한 것을 알고, 저녁에도 등불을 끄지 않는다.
(18) She sees that her gain is good; Her lamp does not go out, but it burns continually through the night [she is prepared for whatever lies ahead].
(19) Tangannya ditaruhnya pada jentera, jari-jarinya memegang pemintal.
(19) 손을 놀려 물레질을 하고, 베를 짜며,
(19) She stretches out her hands to the distaff, And her hands hold the spindle [as she spins wool into thread for clothing].
(20) Ia memberikan tangannya kepada yang tertindas, mengulurkan tangannya kepada yang miskin.
(20) 팔을 벌려 가난한 자들을 돌보고 궁핍한 자에게 후히 베푼다.
(20) She opens and extends her hand to the poor, And she reaches out her filled hands to the needy.
(21) Ia tidak takut kepada salju untuk seisi rumahnya, karena seluruh isi rumahnya berpakaian rangkap.
(21) 온 식구는 눈이 와도 겁내지 않는다. 왜냐하면 가족 모두 따뜻한 옷을 입었기 때문이다.
(21) She does not fear the snow for her household, For all in her household are clothed in [expensive] scarlet [wool].
(22) Ia membuat bagi dirinya permadani, lenan halus dan kain ungu pakaiannya.
(22) 그녀는 침대를 위한 이불을 만들고, 세마포와 자색옷을 입는다.
(22) She makes for herself coverlets, cushions, and rugs of tapestry. Her clothing is linen, pure and fine, and purple [wool].
(23) Suaminya dikenal di pintu gerbang, kalau ia duduk bersama-sama para tua-tua negeri.
(23) 그녀의 남편은 유명 인사가 되고, 고위 관리들과 함께 앉는다.
(23) Her husband is known in the [city's] gates, When he sits among the elders of the land.
(24) Ia membuat pakaian dari lenan, dan menjualnya, ia menyerahkan ikat pinggang kepada pedagang.
(24) 삼베옷을 만들어 팔고, 띠를 만들어 상인들에게 판다.
(24) She makes [fine] linen garments and sells them; And supplies sashes to the merchants.
(25) Pakaiannya adalah kekuatan dan kemuliaan, ia tertawa tentang hari depan.
(25) 그녀는 힘있고 기품이 있다. 그녀는 미래를 계획하며 웃는다.
(25) Strength and dignity are her clothing and her position is strong and secure; And she smiles at the future [knowing that she and her family are prepared].
(26) Ia membuka mulutnya dengan hikmat, pengajaran yang lemah lembut ada di lidahnya.
(26) 입을 열어 지혜를 가르치니, 그녀의 혀에는 진실한 가르침이 있다.
(26) She opens her mouth in [skillful and godly] wisdom, And the teaching of kindness is on her tongue [giving counsel and instruction].
(27) Ia mengawasi segala perbuatan rumah tangganya, makanan kemalasan tidak dimakannya.
(27) 집안일을 자상히 보살피고, 태만하게 밥을 먹는 일이 없다.
(27) She looks well to how things go in her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness.
(28) Anak-anaknya bangun, dan menyebutnya berbahagia, pula suaminya memuji dia:
(28) 그녀의 아들들은 그녀를 축복하고 남편 역시 그녀를 칭찬한다.
(28) Her children rise up and call her blessed (happy, prosperous, to be admired); Her husband also, and he praises her, saying,
(29) Banyak wanita telah berbuat baik, tetapi kau melebihi mereka semua.
(29) “뛰어난 여자들이 많지만 당신이 최고요.”
(29) "Many daughters have done nobly, and well [with the strength of character that is steadfast in goodness], But you excel them all."
(30) Kemolekan adalah bohong dan kecantikan adalah sia-sia, tetapi isteri yang takut akan TUHAN dipuji-puji.
(30) 매력도 헛되고, 아름다움도 허무하나, 여호와를 경외하는 자는 칭송을 받을 것이다.
(30) Charm and grace are deceptive, and [superficial] beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD [reverently worshiping, obeying, serving, and trusting Him with awe-filled respect], she shall be praised.
(31) Berilah kepadanya bagian dari hasil tangannya, biarlah perbuatannya memuji dia di pintu-pintu gerbang!
(31) 그녀가 행한 일이 보상을 받고, 모든 사람들이 그녀를 칭송할 것이다.
(31) Give her of the product of her hands, And let her own works praise her in the gates [of the city].
Amsal / Proverbs / 잠언
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