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Amsal / Proverbs / 잠언
- 6 -
Terjemahan Baru 1974
아가페 쉬운 성경 1994

[Bahasa Indonesia Sehari Hari 1985]
English Amplified 2015

[Versi Mudah Dibaca 2006]
6:1-19 = Berbagai-bagai nasihat
(1) Hai anakku, jikalau engkau menjadi penanggung sesamamu, dan membuat persetujuan dengan orang lain;
(1) 내 아들아, 만약 네가 네 이웃에 빚 보증을 서고, 다른 사람을 위해 증인이 되었다면,
(1) {Parental Counsel}My son, if you have become surety (guaranteed a debt or obligation) for your neighbor, If you have given your pledge for [the debt of] a stranger or another [outside your family],
(2) jikalau engkau terjerat dalam perkataan mulutmu, tertangkap dalam perkataan mulutmu,
(2) 너는 네 말 때문에 덫에 걸린 것이다.
(2) If you have been snared with the words of your lips, If you have been trapped by the speech of your mouth,
(3) buatlah begini, hai anakku, dan lepaskanlah dirimu, karena engkau telah jatuh ke dalam genggaman sesamamu: pergilah, berlututlah, dan desaklah sesamamu itu;
(3) 내 아들아, 너는 네 이웃의 손아귀에 사로잡혔으니, 가서 이렇게 하여라. 겸손하게 엎드려서 네 이웃에게 간절히 부탁하여 거기서 빠져 나오도록 하여라.
(3) Do this now, my son, and release yourself [from the obligation]; Since you have come into the hand of your neighbor, Go humble yourself, and plead with your neighbor [to pay his debt and release you].
(4) janganlah membiarkan matamu tidur, dan kelopak matamu mengantuk;
(4) 네 눈이 잠들지 않게 하고, 네 눈꺼풀도 감기지 않게 하여라.
(4) Give no [unnecessary] sleep to your eyes, Nor slumber to your eyelids;
(5) lepaskanlah dirimu seperti kijang dari pada tangkapan, seperti burung dari pada tangan pemikat.
(5) 노루가 사냥꾼의 손에서 벗어나듯, 새가 그물치는 자의 손에서 벗어나듯 빠져 나와라.
(5) Tear yourself away like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter And like a bird from the hand of the fowler.
(6) Hai pemalas, pergilah kepada semut, perhatikanlah lakunya dan jadilah bijak:
(6) 게으른 자여, 개미가 하는 것을 잘 보고 지혜를 얻어라.
(6) Go to the ant, O lazy one; Observe her ways and be wise,
(7) biarpun tidak ada pemimpinnya, pengaturnya atau penguasanya,
(7) 개미는 지도자도, 장교도, 통치자도 없지만,
(7) Which, having no chief, Overseer or ruler,
(8) ia menyediakan rotinya di musim panas, dan mengumpulkan makanannya pada waktu panen.
(8) 여름에는 먹이를 준비하고, 추수 때에는 그 음식을 모은다.
(8) She prepares her food in the summer And brings in her provisions [of food for the winter] in the harvest.
(9) Hai pemalas, berapa lama lagi engkau berbaring? Bilakah engkau akan bangun dari tidurmu?
(9) 게으른 자여, 네가 언제까지 누워 뒹굴겠느냐? 네가 언제쯤 잠에서 깨겠느냐?
(9) How long will you lie down, O lazy one? When will you arise from your sleep [and learn self-discipline]?
(10) Tidur sebentar lagi, mengantuk sebentar lagi, melipat tangan sebentar lagi untuk tinggal berbaring
(10) “좀더 자자, 조금만 더 눈을 붙이자. 일손을 멈추고 조금만 더 쉬자” 하면
(10) "Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to lie down and rest"—
(11) maka datanglah kemiskinan kepadamu seperti seorang penyerbu, dan kekurangan seperti orang yang bersenjata.
(11) 네게 가난이 강도 떼처럼, 궁핍이 군대처럼 들이닥칠 것이다.
(11) So your poverty will come like an approaching prowler who walks [slowly, but surely] And your need [will come] like an armed man [making you helpless].
(12) Tak bergunalah dan jahatlah orang yang hidup dengan mulut serong,
(12) 불량하고 악한 사람은 남을 헐뜯고 돌아다닌다.
(12) A worthless person, a wicked man, Is one who walks with a perverse (corrupt, vulgar) mouth.
(13) yang mengedipkan matanya, yang bermain kaki dan menunjuk-nunjuk dengan jari,
(13) 그는 눈짓, 발짓, 손짓으로 남을 속인다.
(13) Who winks with his eyes [in mockery], who shuffles his feet [to signal], Who points with his fingers [to give subversive instruction];
(14) yang hatinya mengandung tipu muslihat, yang senantiasa merencanakan kejahatan, dan yang menimbulkan pertengkaran.
(14) 그는 비뚤어진 마음으로 죄를 저지르고 자나깨나 싸움을 벌인다.
(14) Who perversely in his heart plots trouble and evil continually; Who spreads discord and strife.
(15) Itulah sebabnya ia ditimpa kebinasaan dengan tiba-tiba, sesaat saja ia diremukkan tanpa dapat dipulihkan lagi.
(15) 그러므로 갑자기 그에게 재앙이 임하고, 순식간에 망하고 말 것이다.
(15) Therefore [the crushing weight of] his disaster will come suddenly upon him; Instantly he will be broken, and there will be no healing or remedy [because he has no heart for God].
(16) Enam perkara ini yang dibenci TUHAN, bahkan, tujuh perkara yang menjadi kekejian bagi hati-Nya:
(16) 여호와께서 미워하시는 것, 곧 싫어하시는 것 예닐곱 가지가 있다.
(16) These six things the LORD hates; Indeed, seven are repulsive to Him:
(17) mata sombong, lidah dusta, tangan yang menumpahkan darah orang yang tidak bersalah,
(17) 그것은 교만한 눈, 거짓말하는 혀, 죄 없는 사람을 죽이는 손,
(17) A proud look [the attitude that makes one overestimate oneself and discount others], a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood,
(18) hati yang membuat rencana-rencana yang jahat, kaki yang segera lari menuju kejahatan,
(18) 악한 일을 꾸미는 마음, 범죄하러 급히 달려가는 발,
(18) A heart that creates wicked plans, Feet that run swiftly to evil,
(19) seorang saksi dusta yang menyembur-nyemburkan kebohongan dan yang menimbulkan pertengkaran saudara.
(19) 거짓말하는 거짓 증인, 형제 사이를 이간질하는 사람이다.
(19) A false witness who breathes out lies [even half-truths], And one who spreads discord (rumors) among brothers.
6:20 - 7:27 = Nasihat tentang perzinahan
(20) Hai anakku, peliharalah perintah ayahmu, dan janganlah menyia-nyiakan ajaran ibumu.
(20) 내 아들아, 네 아버지의 명령을 지키고, 네 어머니의 가르침을 잊지 마라.
(20) My son, be guided by your father's [God-given] commandment (instruction) And do not reject the teaching of your mother;
(21) Tambatkanlah senantiasa semuanya itu pada hatimu, kalungkanlah pada lehermu.
(21) 그것을 네 마음에 영원히 간직하고 네 목에 영원히 매달아라.
(21) Bind them continually upon your heart (in your thoughts), And tie them around your neck.
(22) Jikalau engkau berjalan, engkau akan dipimpinnya, jikalau engkau berbaring, engkau akan dijaganya, jikalau engkau bangun, engkau akan disapanya.
(22) 네가 걸을 때, 그것이 너를 인도하겠고, 네가 잘 때, 그것이 너를 지켜 주며, 네가 깰 때, 그것이 네게 말할 것이다.
(22) When you walk about, they (the godly teachings of your parents) will guide you; When you sleep, they will keep watch over you; And when you awake, they will talk to you.
(23) Karena perintah itu pelita, dan ajaran itu cahaya, dan teguran yang mendidik itu jalan kehidupan,
(23) 이 명령은 등불이요, 이 가르침은 빛이요, 이 교훈은 생명의 길이다.
(23) For the commandment is a lamp, and the teaching [of the law] is light, And reproofs (rebukes) for discipline are the way of life,
(24) yang melindungi engkau terhadap perempuan jahat, terhadap kelicikan lidah perempuan asing.
(24) 이것들이 너를 부도덕한 여인에게서, 바람난 여인의 매끄러운 혀에서 지켜 줄 것이다.
(24) To keep you from the evil woman, From [the flattery of] the smooth tongue of an immoral woman.
(25) Janganlah menginginkan kecantikannya dalam hatimu, janganlah terpikat oleh bulu matanya.
(25) 너는 그런 여자의 아름다움을 탐내지 말고, 그 눈길에 매혹당하지 마라.
(25) Do not desire (lust after) her beauty in your heart, Nor let her capture you with her eyelashes.
(26) Karena bagi seorang sundal sepotong rotilah yang penting, tetapi isteri orang lain memburu nyawa yang berharga.
(26) 왜냐하면 너는 창녀 때문에 빵 한 조각을 구걸하게 되고, 너의 목숨까지 위협당할 것이기 때문이다.
(26) For on account of a prostitute one is reduced to a piece of bread [to be eaten up], And the immoral woman hunts [with a hook] the precious life [of a man].
(27) Dapatkah orang membawa api dalam gelumbung baju dengan tidak terbakar pakaiannya?
(27) 사람이 불을 가슴에 품고, 자기 옷을 태우지 않을 수 있겠느냐?
(27) Can a man take fire to his chest And his clothes not be burned?
(28) Atau dapatkah orang berjalan di atas bara, dengan tidak hangus kakinya?
(28) 사람이 데지 않고, 타는 숯불 위를 걸을 수 있겠느냐?
(28) Or can a man walk on hot coals And his feet not be scorched?
(29) Demikian juga orang yang menghampiri isteri sesamanya; tiada seorangpun, yang menjamahnya, luput dari hukuman.
(29) 남의 아내와 함께 잠자는 사람도 이와 같으니, 남의 여자를 건드리는 사람은 벌을 받을 것이다.
(29) So is the one who goes in to his neighbor's wife; Whoever touches her will not be found innocent or go unpunished.
(30) Apakah seorang pencuri tidak akan dihina, apabila ia mencuri untuk memuaskan nafsunya karena lapar?
(30) 허기진 배를 채우기 위해 도둑질하면 용서를 받을 수는 있으나,
(30) People do not despise a thief if he steals To satisfy himself when he is hungry;
(31) Dan kalau ia tertangkap, haruslah ia membayar kembali tujuh kali lipat, segenap harta isi rumahnya harus diserahkan.
(31) 훔치다 잡히면 일곱 배를 갚아야 하고, 돈이 없으면 자기 집의 좋은 것들을 모두 주어야 할 것이다.
(31) But when he is found, he must repay seven times [what he stole]; He must give all the property of his house [if necessary to meet his fine].
(32) Siapa melakukan zinah tidak berakal budi; orang yang berbuat demikian merusak diri.
(32) 그러나 간음하는 자는 정신이 나간 사람으로, 자기 영혼을 망치는 사람이다.
(32) But whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks common sense and sound judgment and an understanding [of moral principles]; He who would destroy his soul does it.
(33) Siksa dan cemooh diperolehnya, malunya tidak terhapuskan.
(33) 그런 일을 하다가 잡히는 사람은 매를 맞고 수치를 당하여, 그 부끄러움이 영원히 지워지지 않을 것이다.
(33) Wounds and disgrace he will find, And his reproach (blame) will not be blotted out.
(34) Karena cemburu adalah geram seorang laki-laki, ia tidak kenal belas kasihan pada hari pembalasan dendam;
(34) 그 남편이 질투심에 불타 보복할 때, 눈에 무엇이 보이겠는가?
(34) For jealousy enrages the [wronged] husband; He will not spare [the guilty one] on the day of vengeance.
(35) ia tidak akan mau menerima tebusan suatupun, dan ia akan tetap bersikeras, betapa banyakpun pemberianmu.
(35) 아무리 많은 보상이나 온갖 선물을 준다 해도 그 분노가 풀리지 않을 것이다.
(35) He will not accept any ransom [offered to buy him off from demanding full punishment]; Nor will he be satisfied though you offer him many gifts (bribes).
Amsal / Proverbs / 잠언
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