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Ratapan / Lamentations / 예레미야애가
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Terjemahan Baru 1974
아가페 쉬운 성경 1994

[Bahasa Indonesia Sehari Hari 1985]
English Amplified 2015

[Versi Mudah Dibaca 2006]
2:1-22 = Murka Allah terhadap Sion
(1) Ah, betapa Tuhan menyelubungi puteri Sion dengan awan dalam murka-Nya! Keagungan Israel dilemparkan-Nya dari langit ke bumi. Tak diingat-Nya akan tumpuan kaki-Nya tatkala Ia murka.
(1) 주께서 진노하셔서 딸 시온을 비참하게 만드시고, 이스라엘의 영광을 하늘에서 땅으로 던지셨다. 진노하신 날에 주의 발판, 곧 예루살렘을 기억하지 않으셨다.
(1) {God's Anger over Israel}How the Lord has covered the Daughter of Zion (Jerusalem) With a cloud in His anger! He has cast down from heaven to the earth The glory and splendor of Israel And has not remembered His footstool In the day of His anger.
(2) Tanpa belas kasihan Tuhan memusnahkan segala ladang Yakub. Ia menghancurkan dalam amarah-Nya benteng-benteng puteri Yehuda. Ia mencampakkan ke bumi dan mencemarkan kerajaan dan pemimpin-pemimpinnya.
(2) 주께서 야곱의 모든 보금자리를 무자비하게 삼키시고, 진노하셔서 딸 유다의 요새들을 바닥까지 허무셨다. 나라와 통치자들을 욕되게 하셨다.
(2) The Lord has swallowed up; He has not spared All the country places of Jacob. In His wrath He has thrown down The strongholds of the Daughter of Judah (Jerusalem). He has brought them down to the ground [in disgrace]; He has debased the kingdom and its princes.
(3) Dalam murka yang menyala-nyala Ia mematahkan segala tanduk Israel, menarik kembali tangan kanan-Nya pada waktu si seteru mendekat, membakar Yakub laksana api yang menyala-nyala, yang menjilat ke sekeliling.
(3) 주께서 진노하셔서 이스라엘의 모든 힘을 빼앗으시고, 원수가 쳐들어올 때에 이스라엘의 권세를 거두어 가셨다. 불이 활활 타올라 주변의 모든 것을 태우듯이 야곱 백성을 태워 버리셨다.
(3) In fierce anger He has cut off and destroyed Every horn of Israel. He has withdrawn His right hand From the presence of the enemy. And He has burned in Jacob like a flaming fire Consuming all around.
(4) Ia membidikkan panah-Nya seperti seorang seteru dengan mengacungkan tangan kanan-Nya seperti seorang lawan; membunuh segala yang menyenangkan mata dalam kemah puteri Sion, memuntahkan geram-Nya seperti api.
(4) 마치 원수처럼 주께서 활을 당기셨다. 우리를 죽이러 오는 적처럼 오른손을 치켜드시고 건강하게 보이는 사람을 다 죽이셨다. 딸 시온의 장막에 진노를 불처럼 쏟으셨다.
(4) He has bent His bow like an enemy; He has set His right hand like an adversary And slain all that were delightful and pleasing to the eye; In the tent of the Daughter of Zion He has poured out His wrath like fire.
(5) Tuhan menjadi seperti seorang seteru; Ia menghancurkan Israel, meremukkan segala purinya, mempuingkan benteng-bentengnya, memperbanyak susah dan kesah pada puteri Yehuda.
(5) 주께서 원수같이 되어 이스라엘을 삼키셨다. 모든 왕궁을 삼키시고 모든 요새를 무너뜨리셔서 딸 유다에 탄식과 신음을 더하셨다.
(5) The Lord has become like an enemy; He has swallowed up Israel. He has swallowed up all its palaces; He has destroyed its strongholds And multiplied in the Daughter of Judah Mourning and lamentation (expressions of grief).
(6) Ia melanda kemah-Nya seperti kebun, menghancurkan tempat pertemuan-Nya. Di Sion TUHAN menjadikan orang lupa akan perayaan dan sabat, dan menolak dalam kegeraman murka-Nya raja dan imam.
(6) 동산의 초막을 허물듯 성전을 허무셨으며, 여호와께서 백성과 만나시던 곳도 무너뜨리셨다. 시온으로 하여금 절기와 안식일을 잊어 버리게 하셨고, 큰 진노 가운데 왕과 제사장을 멸시하셨다.
(6) And He has violently broken down His temple like a [fragile] garden hedge; He has destroyed His appointed meeting place. The LORD has caused the appointed feast and Sabbath To be forgotten in Zion And has despised and rejected the king and the priest In the indignation of His anger.
(7) Tuhan membuang mezbah-Nya, meninggalkan tempat kudus-Nya, menyerahkan ke dalam tangan seteru tembok puri-purinya. Teriakan ramai mereka dalam Bait Allah seperti keramaian pada hari perayaan jemaah.
(7) 여호와께서 자기 제단을 멸시하시고 자기 성소를 버리셨으며 왕궁 성벽을 원수의 손에 넘겨 주시니 원수들이 절기 때처럼 여호와의 성전에서 환성을 올렸다.
(7) The Lord has rejected His altar; He has abandoned His sanctuary. He has given into the hand of the enemy The walls of her palaces; They have made a noise in the house of the LORD As on a day of an appointed feast.
(8) TUHAN telah memutuskan untuk mempuingkan tembok puteri Sion. Ia mengukur semuanya dengan tali pengukur, Ia tak menahan tangan-Nya untuk menghancurkannya. Ia menjadikan berkabung tembok luar dan tembok dalam, mereka merana semua.
(8) 여호와께서 딸 시온의 성벽을 허물기로 결심하셨다. 성벽을 측량줄로 재시고 성벽이 허물어질 때까지 손을 떼지 않으셨다. 성벽과 요새가 통곡하며 함께 허물어졌다.
(8) The LORD determined to lay in ruins The [city] wall of the Daughter of Zion. He has stretched out a line, He has not stopped His hand from destroying. He has caused the rampart and the wall to lament (mourn in grief); They have languished together.
(9) Terbenam gapura-gapuranya di dalam tanah; TUHAN menghancurkan dan meluluhkan palang-palang pintunya. Rajanya dan pemimpin-pemimpinnya berada di antara bangsa-bangsa asing. Tak ada petunjuk dari TUHAN, bahkan nabi-nabi tidak menerima lagi wahyu dari pada-Nya.
(9) 예루살렘 성문들이 땅바닥에 떨어졌고 성문 빗장이 꺾여졌으며, 왕과 대신들은 여러 나라로 사로잡혀 갔다. 여호와의 가르침이 그쳤고 예언자들도 여호와의 계시를 받지 못했다.
(9) Her gates have sunk into the ground; He has destroyed and broken her bars. Her king and her princes are [exiled] among the nations; The law is no more. Also, her prophets no longer find Vision from the LORD.
(10) Duduklah tertegun di tanah para tua-tua puteri Sion; mereka menabur abu di atas kepala, dan mengenakan kain kabung. Dara-dara Yerusalem menundukkan kepalanya ke tanah.
(10) 딸 시온의 장로들이 말을 잃은 채 땅에 주저앉았다. 머리에는 재를 뒤집어썼고 몸에는 거친 베옷을 걸쳤다. 예루살렘의 젊은 여자들은 머리를 땅에 숙였다.
(10) The elders of the Daughter of Zion Sit on the ground keeping silent; They have thrown dust on their heads, They have covered themselves with sackcloth. The virgins of Jerusalem Have bowed their heads to the ground.
(11) Mataku kusam dengan air mata, remuk redam hatiku; hancur habis hatiku karena keruntuhan puteri bangsaku, sebab jatuh pingsan kanak-kanak dan bayi di lapangan-lapangan kota.
(11) 내 눈이 눈물로 상하고 간과 심장이 녹는 듯하다. 딸 같은 내 백성이 망했으므로, 창자가 끊어진다. 어린이와 아기들이 성 광장에서 쓰러져 죽어 가고 있다.
(11) My eyes fail because of tears [mourns Jeremiah], My spirit is deeply disturbed; My heart is poured out on the earth [in grief] Because of the destruction of the daughter of my people [Jerusalem], When little ones and infants faint In the streets of the city.
(12) Kepada ibunya mereka bertanya: "Mana roti dan anggur?", sedang mereka jatuh pingsan seperti orang yang gugur di lapangan-lapangan kota, ketika menghembuskan nafas di pangkuan ibunya.
(12) 그들이 자기 어머니에게 “곡식과 포도주가 어디에 있어요?”라고 묻는다. 그들이 부상당한 군인들처럼 성 광장에서 쓰러지고 어머니 품에서 죽어 간다.
(12) They cry to their mothers, "Where is grain and wine?" As they faint like a wounded man In the streets of the city, As their life [slips away and] is poured out In their mothers' arms.
(13) Apa yang dapat kunyatakan kepadamu, dengan apa aku dapat menyamakan engkau, ya puteri Yerusalem? Dengan apa aku dapat membandingkan engkau untuk dihibur, ya dara, puteri Sion? Karena luas bagaikan laut reruntuhanmu; siapa yang akan memulihkan engkau?
(13) 딸 예루살렘아, 내가 무슨 말을 할 수 있겠느냐? 너를 무엇에 비하겠으며 무엇에 견주겠느냐? 처녀 딸 시온아, 내가 어떻게 너를 위로하겠느냐? 너의 폐허가 바다같이 크니 누가 너를 고칠 수 있겠느냐?
(13) How shall I console you? To what shall I compare you, O Daughter of Jerusalem? With what shall I compare you, so that I may comfort you, O Virgin Daughter of Zion? For your ruin is as vast as the sea; Who can heal you?
(14) Nabi-nabimu melihat bagimu penglihatan yang dusta dan hampa. Mereka tidak menyatakan kesalahanmu, guna memulihkan engkau kembali. Mereka mengeluarkan bagimu ramalan-ramalan yang dusta dan menyesatkan.
(14) 네 예언자들이 너에 관한 환상을 보았으나 헛되고 거짓될 뿐이다. 그들이 네 죄를 드러내지 못하여 네가 사로잡혀 가는 것을 막지 못했으니, 그들의 예언은 헛된 것뿐이었다. 그들이 너를 속였다.
(14) Your prophets have seen (imagined) for you False and foolish visions; And they have not exposed your wickedness To restore you from captivity [by teaching you to repent], But they have seen (imagined) and declared to you false and misleading oracles.
(15) Sekalian orang yang lewat bertepuk tangan karena engkau. Mereka bersuit-suit dan menggelengkan kepalanya mengenai puteri Yerusalem: "Inikah kota yang disebut orang kota yang paling indah, kesukaan dunia semesta?"
(15) 지나가는 사람들마다 너를 보고 손뼉을 친다. 딸 예루살렘을 조롱하고 머리를 흔들며 “이 성이 가장 아름답다는 성이냐? 이 땅 위에서 가장 행복하다는 성이냐?” 하고 비웃는다.
(15) All who pass along the way Clap their hands in derision at you; They scoff and shake their heads At the Daughter of Jerusalem, saying, "Is this the city that was called 'The perfection of beauty, The joy of all the earth'?"
(16) Terhadap engkau semua seterumu mengangakan mulutnya. Mereka bersuit-suit dan menggertakkan gigi: "Kami telah memusnahkannya!", kata mereka, "Nah, inilah harinya yang kami nanti-nantikan, kami mengalaminya, kami melihatnya!"
(16) 네 모든 원수가 입을 열어 너를 욕하고 비웃으며 이를 간다. 그들은 “우리가 그를 삼켰다. 우리가 기다리던 날이 바로 이 날이다. 드디어 그 날이 왔구나!”라고 말한다.
(16) All your enemies Have opened their mouths wide against you; They [scornfully] hiss and gnash their teeth. They say, "We have swallowed her up! Certainly this is the day for which we waited; We have reached it, we have seen it!"
(17) TUHAN telah menjalankan yang dirancangkan-Nya, Ia melaksanakan yang difirmankan-Nya, yang diperintahkan-Nya dahulu kala; Ia merusak tanpa belas kasihan, Ia menjadikan si seteru senang atas kamu, Ia meninggikan tanduk lawan-lawanmu.
(17) 여호와께서 이미 계획하신 일을 이루시고 옛날에 명령하셨던 말씀을 다 이루셨다. 주께서 사정없이 너를 무너뜨리시니, 네 원수들이 네게 일어난 일을 보고 즐거워하며 이 일로 네 원수들의 힘이 더욱 솟구쳤다.
(17) The LORD has done what He planned; He has accomplished His word Which He commanded from days of old. He has demolished without sparing, And He has caused the enemy to rejoice over you; He has exalted the power of your enemies.
(18) Berteriaklah kepada Tuhan dengan nyaring, hai, puteri Sion, cucurkanlah air mata bagaikan sungai siang dan malam; janganlah kauberikan dirimu istirahat, janganlah matamu tenang!
(18) 백성이 마음을 다하여 주께 부르짖기를 딸 시온의 성벽아, 네 눈물을 밤낮으로 강물처럼 흘려라. 네 눈동자를 쉬게 하지 말고 눈물을 흘려라.
(18) Their hearts cried out to the Lord. "O wall of the Daughter of Zion, Let your tears run down like a river day and night; Give yourself no relief, Let your eyes have no rest.
(19) Bangunlah, mengeranglah pada malam hari, pada permulaan giliran jaga malam; curahkanlah isi hatimu bagaikan air di hadapan Tuhan, angkatlah tanganmu kepada-Nya demi hidup anak-anakmu, yang jatuh pingsan karena lapar di ujung-ujung jalan!
(19) 일어나 밤에 부르짖어라. 밤새도록 시간을 알릴 때마다 부르짖어라. 물을 쏟듯 네 마음을 주님 앞에 쏟아 부어라. 손을 높이 들어 주께 기도하여라. 거리 어귀마다 굶주림으로 쓰러져 죽어 가고 있는 네 자녀들을 살려 달라고 기도하여라.
(19) "Arise, cry aloud in the night, At the beginning of the night watches; Pour out your heart like water Before the presence of the Lord; Lift up your hands to Him For the life of your little ones Who are faint from hunger At the head of every street."
(20) Lihatlah, TUHAN, dan tiliklah, kepada siapakah Engkau telah berbuat ini? Apakah perempuan harus makan anak kandungnya, anak-anak yang masih dibuai? Apakah dalam tempat kudus Tuhan harus dibunuh imam dan nabi?
(20) “여호와여, 살펴 주십시오. 주께서 전에도 다른 사람에게 이같이 행하신 적이 있으십니까? 여자들이 어린 자식을 잡아먹고 있습니다. 제사장과 예언자들이 주님의 성소에서 죽임을 당하고 있습니다.”
(20) See, O LORD, and look! With whom have You dealt this way? Should women eat their offspring, The little ones who were born healthy and beautiful? Should priest and prophet be killed In the sanctuary of the Lord?
(21) Terbaring di debu jalan pemuda dan orang tua; dara-daraku dan teruna-terunaku gugur oleh pedang; Engkau membunuh mereka tatkala Engkau murka, tanpa belas kasihan Engkau menyembelih mereka!
(21) “젊은이와 늙은이가 길바닥에 쓰러져 있습니다. 젊은 여자와 청년들은 칼에 맞아 쓰러졌습니다. 주께서 진노하신 날에 저들을 무자비하게 죽이셨습니다.”
(21) The young and the old Lie on the ground in the streets; My virgins and my young men Have fallen by the sword. You have killed them in the day of Your anger, You have slaughtered, not sparing.
(22) Seolah-olah pada hari perayaan Engkau mengundang semua yang kutakuti dari sekeliling. Tatkala TUHAN murka tak ada seorang yang luput atau selamat. Mereka yang kubuai dan kubesarkan dibinasakan seteruku.
(22) “주께서 제가 두려워하는 재앙을 부르셔서 사방에서 저를 치게 하셨습니다. 마치 잔치에 사람을 부르듯 재앙을 부르셨습니다. 여호와께서 진노하신 날에 아무도 도망치거나 살아 남지 못했습니다. 제가 낳아 기른 자들을 제 원수가 죽였습니다.”
(22) You [LORD] called as in the day of an appointed feast My terrors (dangers) on every side; And there was no one who escaped or survived In the day of the Lord's anger. Those I have cared for and brought up with tenderness, My enemy annihilated them.
Ratapan / Lamentations / 예레미야애가
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