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Daniel / Daniel / 다니엘
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Terjemahan Baru 1974
아가페 쉬운 성경 1994

[Bahasa Indonesia Sehari Hari 1985]
English Amplified 2015

[Versi Mudah Dibaca 2006]
1:1-21 = Di istana Babel
(1) Pada tahun yang ketiga pemerintahan Yoyakim, raja Yehuda, datanglah Nebukadnezar, raja Babel, ke Yerusalem, lalu mengepung kota itu.
(1) 유다 왕 여호야김이 왕이 된 지 삼 년째 되는 해에 바빌로니아 왕 느부갓네살이 군대를 이끌고 예루살렘에 쳐들어와 성을 포위했습니다.
(1) {The Choice Young Men}In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it.
(2) Tuhan menyerahkan Yoyakim, raja Yehuda, dan sebagian dari perkakas-perkakas di rumah Allah ke dalam tangannya. Semuanya itu dibawanya ke tanah Sinear, ke dalam rumah dewanya; perkakas-perkakas itu dibawanya ke dalam perbendaharaan dewanya.
(2) 그러자 주께서 유다 왕 여호야김을 느부갓네살 왕에게 포로로 넘겨 주셨습니다. 그래서 그는 하나님의 성전 기구들 가운데 일부를 가져다가 바빌론에 있는 자기 신전의 보물창고에 두었습니다.
(2) The Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, along with some of the articles of the house of God; and he brought them into the land of Shinar, to the house of his god, and brought the articles into the treasury of his god.
(3) Lalu raja bertitah kepada Aspenas, kepala istananya, untuk membawa beberapa orang Israel, yang berasal dari keturunan raja dan dari kaum bangsawan,
(3) 느부갓네살 왕이 아스부나스 환관장에게 명령하여 포로로 잡혀 온 이스라엘의 왕족과 귀족의 아들들 중에서 몇 명을 왕궁으로 데려오게 했습니다.
(3) And the [Babylonian] king told Ashpenaz, the chief of his officials, to bring in some of the sons of Israel, including some from the royal family and from the nobles,
(4) yakni orang-orang muda yang tidak ada sesuatu cela, yang berperawakan baik, yang memahami berbagai-bagai hikmat, berpengetahuan banyak dan yang mempunyai pengertian tentang ilmu, yakni orang-orang yang cakap untuk bekerja dalam istana raja, supaya mereka diajarkan tulisan dan bahasa orang Kasdim.
(4) 데려오는 소년들은 몸이 튼튼하고 잘생겨야 하며, 교육을 많이 받은 사람, 지혜와 총명이 있는 사람, 그리고 왕궁에서 왕을 모실 수 있는 사람이어야 했습니다. 왕은 그들에게 바빌로니아의 언어와 문학을 배우도록 하였습니다.
(4) young men without blemish and handsome in appearance, skillful in all wisdom, endowed with intelligence and discernment, and quick to understand, competent to stand [in the presence of the king] and able to serve in the king's palace. He also ordered Ashpenaz to teach them the literature and language of the Chaldeans.
(5) Dan raja menetapkan bagi mereka pelabur setiap hari dari santapan raja dan dari anggur yang biasa diminumnya. Mereka harus dididik selama tiga tahun, dan sesudah itu mereka harus bekerja pada raja.
(5) 왕은 그들에게 매일 그가 먹는 음식과 그가 마시는 포도주를 주면서 삼 년 동안 교육시킨 후에 왕을 모시게 하려 하였습니다.
(5) The king assigned a daily ration for them from his finest food and from the wine which he drank. They were to be educated and nourished this way for three years so that at the end of that time they were [prepared] to enter the king's service.
(6) Di antara mereka itu ada juga beberapa orang Yehuda, yakni Daniel, Hananya, Misael dan Azarya.
(6) 그들 가운데 다니엘과 하나냐와 미사엘과 아사랴가 있었는데, 이들 모두 유다의 자손들이었습니다.
(6) Among them from the sons of Judah were: Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.
(7) Pemimpin pegawai istana itu memberi nama lain kepada mereka: Daniel dinamainya Beltsazar, Hananya dinamainya Sadrakh, Misael dinamainya Mesakh dan Azarya dinamainya Abednego.
(7) 환관장이 그들에게 바빌로니아식 이름을 지어 주어, 다니엘은 벨드사살로, 하나냐는 사드락으로, 미사엘은 메삭으로, 아사랴는 아벳느고로 불렸습니다.
(7) The commander of the officials gave them [Babylonian] names: Daniel he named Belteshazzar, Hananiah he named Shadrach, Mishael he named Meshach, and Azariah he named Abed-nego.
(8) Daniel berketetapan untuk tidak menajiskan dirinya dengan santapan raja dan dengan anggur yang biasa diminum raja; dimintanyalah kepada pemimpin pegawai istana itu, supaya ia tak usah menajiskan dirinya.
(8) 다니엘은 왕이 준 음식과 포도주로 자기를 더럽히지 않게 해 달라고 환관장에게 부탁하였습니다.
(8) {Daniel's Resolve}But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile (taint, dishonor) himself with the king's finest food or with the wine which the king drank; so he asked the commander of the officials that he might [be excused so that he would] not defile himself.
(9) Maka Allah mengaruniakan kepada Daniel kasih dan sayang dari pemimpin pegawai istana itu;
(9) 하나님께서 환관장의 마음을 움직이셔서 다니엘의 말을 좋게 여기도록 해 주셨습니다.
(9) Now God granted Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the commander of the officials,
(10) tetapi berkatalah pemimpin pegawai istana itu kepada Daniel: "Aku takut, kalau-kalau tuanku raja, yang telah menetapkan makanan dan minumanmu, berpendapat bahwa kamu kelihatan kurang sehat dari pada orang-orang muda lain yang sebaya dengan kamu, sehingga karena kamu aku dianggap bersalah oleh raja."
(10) 환관장이 다니엘에게 말했습니다. “그렇지만 나는 나의 상전이 두렵다. 왕께서 너희가 먹고 마실 것을 정해 주셨는데, 너희가 이 음식을 먹지 않아 너희 얼굴이 너희 또래의 다른 젊은이들보다 못하게 보인다면 이 때문에 내 목숨은 왕 앞에서 위험하게 될 것이다.”
(10) and the commander of the officials said to Daniel, "I am afraid of my lord the king, who has prearranged your food and your drink; for why should he see your faces looking more haggard than the young men who are your own age? Then you would make me forfeit my head to the king."
(11) Kemudian berkatalah Daniel kepada penjenang yang telah diangkat oleh pemimpin pegawai istana untuk mengawasi Daniel, Hananya, Misael dan Azarya:
(11) 다니엘은 환관장이 다니엘과 하나냐와 미사엘과 아사랴를 지키라고 세운 감독관에게 말하였습니다.
(11) But Daniel said to the overseer whom the commander of the officials had appointed over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah,
(12) Adakanlah percobaan dengan hamba-hambamu ini selama sepuluh hari dan biarlah kami diberikan sayur untuk dimakan dan air untuk diminum;
(12) “우리를 십 일 동안, 시험해 보십시오. 우리는 채소와 물만 먹겠습니다.
(12) "Please, test your servants for ten days, and let us be given some vegetables to eat and water to drink.
(13) sesudah itu bandingkanlah perawakan kami dengan perawakan orang-orang muda yang makan dari santapan raja, kemudian perlakukanlah hamba-hambamu ini sesuai dengan pendapatmu."
(13) 감독관께서는 십 일 뒤에 우리의 얼굴과 왕의 음식을 먹는 다른 젊은이들의 얼굴을 비교하여 보시고 당신들의 종인 우리를 마음대로 하십시오.”
(13) Then let our appearance and the appearance of the young men who eat the king's finest food be observed and compared by you, and deal with your servants in accordance with what you see."
(14) Didengarkannyalah permintaan mereka itu, lalu diadakanlah percobaan dengan mereka selama sepuluh hari.
(14) 감독관이 그 말대로 십 일 동안, 시험해 보았습니다.
(14) So the man listened to them in this matter and tested them for ten days.
(15) Setelah lewat sepuluh hari, ternyata perawakan mereka lebih baik dan mereka kelihatan lebih gemuk dari pada semua orang muda yang telah makan dari santapan raja.
(15) 십 일이 지났을 때, 그들의 얼굴빛은 왕의 음식을 먹는 다른 젊은이들의 얼굴빛보다 더 좋고 건강해 보였습니다.
(15) At the end of ten days it seemed that they were looking better and healthier than all the young men who ate the king's finest food.
(16) Kemudian penjenang itu selalu mengambil makanan mereka dan anggur yang harus mereka minum, lalu memberikan sayur kepada mereka.
(16) 그 때부터 감독관은 다니엘과 하나냐와 미사엘과 아사랴에게 왕이 내린 음식과 포도주 대신에 채소를 주었습니다.
(16) So the overseer continued to withhold their fine food and the wine they were to drink, and kept giving them vegetables.
(17) Kepada keempat orang muda itu Allah memberikan pengetahuan dan kepandaian tentang berbagai-bagai tulisan dan hikmat, sedang Daniel juga mempunyai pengertian tentang berbagai-bagai penglihatan dan mimpi.
(17) 하나님은 이 네 사람에게 지혜를 주셔서 모든 문학과 학문에 뛰어나도록 해 주셨습니다. 또한 다니엘에게는 환상과 꿈을 해석하는 특별한 능력을 주셨습니다.
(17) As for these four young men, God gave them knowledge and skill in all kinds of literature and wisdom; Daniel also understood all kinds of visions and dreams.
(18) Setelah lewat waktu yang ditetapkan raja, bahwa mereka sekalian harus dibawa menghadap, maka dibawalah mereka oleh pemimpin pegawai istana itu ke hadapan Nebukadnezar.
(18) 왕이 그들을 데려오라고 정한 그 기간이 끝나자, 환관장은 젊은이들을 느부갓네살 왕에게 데려갔습니다.
(18) At the end of the time set by the king to bring all the young men in [before him], the commander of the officials presented them to Nebuchadnezzar.
(19) Raja bercakap-cakap dengan mereka; dan di antara mereka sekalian itu tidak didapati yang setara dengan Daniel, Hananya, Misael dan Azarya; maka bekerjalah mereka itu pada raja.
(19) 왕이 젊은이들과 이야기해 보았을 때 다니엘과 하나냐와 미사엘과 아사랴만한 사람이 없었기 때문에 그들이 왕을 모시게 되었습니다.
(19) The king spoke with them, and among them all not one was found like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah; so they were [selected and] assigned to stand before the king and enter his personal service.
(20) Dalam tiap-tiap hal yang memerlukan kebijaksanaan dan pengertian, yang ditanyakan raja kepada mereka, didapatinya bahwa mereka sepuluh kali lebih cerdas dari pada semua orang berilmu dan semua ahli jampi di seluruh kerajaannya.
(20) 왕이 그들에게 여러 가지 지혜와 지식에 관한 문제를 물어 보고, 그들의 지혜와 판단력이 전국에 있는 어떤 마술사나 주술가보다도 열 배는 뛰어나다는 것을 알게 되었습니다.
(20) In every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king consulted them, he found them ten times better than all the [learned] magicians and enchanters (Magi) in his whole realm.
(21) Daniel ada di sana sampai tahun pertama pemerintahan Koresh.
(21) 그리하여 다니엘은 고레스가 왕이 된 첫해까지 왕궁에 남게 되었습니다.
(21) And Daniel remained there until the first year of [the reign of] King Cyrus [over Babylon; now this was at the end of the seventy-year exile of Judah (the Southern Kingdom) in Babylonia, as foretold by Jeremiah].
Daniel / Daniel / 다니엘
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