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Daniel / Daniel / 다니엘
- 6 -
Terjemahan Baru 1974
아가페 쉬운 성경 1994

[Bahasa Indonesia Sehari Hari 1985]
English Amplified 2015

[Versi Mudah Dibaca 2006]
6:1-29 = Gua singa
(1) (6-2) Lalu berkenanlah Darius mengangkat seratus dua puluh wakil-wakil raja atas kerajaannya; mereka akan ditempatkan di seluruh kerajaan;
(1) 다리오는 총독 백이십 명을 세워 나라 전체를 다스리게 하는 것이 좋겠다고 생각했습니다.
(1) {Daniel Serves Darius}It seemed good to Darius [who became king after Belshazzar] to appoint over the kingdom 120 satraps who would be in charge throughout the kingdom,
(2) (6-3) membawahi mereka diangkat pula tiga pejabat tinggi, dan Daniel adalah salah satu dari ketiga orang itu; kepada merekalah para wakil-wakil raja harus memberi pertanggungan jawab, supaya raja jangan dirugikan.
(2) 그는 또 그들 위에 총리 세 명을 세웠는데, 다니엘도 그 가운데 한 사람이었습니다. 왕이 그들을 세운 이유는 나라를 다스리는 데 어려움이 없도록 하기 위함이었습니다.
(2) and over them three chief commissioners (of whom Daniel was one), that these satraps might be accountable to them, so that the king would have no loss [from disloyalty or mismanagement].
(3) (6-4) Maka Daniel ini melebihi para pejabat tinggi dan para wakil raja itu, karena ia mempunyai roh yang luar biasa; dan raja bermaksud untuk menempatkannya atas seluruh kerajaannya.
(3) 다니엘은 다른 총리나 총독들보다 더 뛰어났기 때문에 왕은 그에게 나라 전체를 맡기려 했습니다.
(3) Then this Daniel, because of the extraordinary spirit within him, began distinguishing himself among the commissioners and the satraps, and the king planned to appoint him over the entire realm.
(4) (6-5) Kemudian para pejabat tinggi dan wakil raja itu mencari alasan dakwaan terhadap Daniel dalam hal pemerintahan, tetapi mereka tidak mendapat alasan apapun atau sesuatu kesalahan, sebab ia setia dan tidak ada didapati sesuatu kelalaian atau sesuatu kesalahan padanya.
(4) 그러자 다른 총리와 총독들이 다니엘을 고소하려고 그의 잘못을 찾으려 했지만, 그가 충성스럽게 나라 일을 잘 맡아 처리했으므로 아무런 잘못이나 흠을 찾을 수 없었습니다.
(4) Then the [other two] commissioners and the satraps began trying to find a reason to bring a complaint against Daniel concerning the [administration of the] kingdom; but they could find no reason for an accusation or evidence of corruption, because he was faithful [a man of high moral character and personal integrity], and no negligence or corruption [of any kind] was found in him.
(5) (6-6) Maka berkatalah orang-orang itu: "Kita tidak akan mendapat suatu alasan dakwaan terhadap Daniel ini, kecuali dalam hal ibadahnya kepada Allahnya!"
(5) 그러자 그들이 말했습니다. “다니엘은 하나님의 율법에 관한 것이 아니면 흠을 찾을 방법이 없겠소.”
(5) Then these men said, "We will not find any basis for an accusation against this Daniel unless we find something against him in connection with the law of his God."
(6) (6-7) Kemudian bergegas-gegaslah para pejabat tinggi dan wakil raja itu menghadap raja serta berkata kepadanya: "Ya raja Darius, kekallah hidup tuanku!
(6) 그래서 총리와 총독들이 모여 왕에게 가서 말했습니다. “다리오 왕이시여, 만수무강 하십시오.
(6) Then these commissioners and satraps agreed to approach the king and said to him, "King Darius, live forever!
(7) (6-8) Semua pejabat tinggi kerajaan ini, semua penguasa dan wakil raja, para menteri dan bupati telah mufakat, supaya dikeluarkan kiranya suatu penetapan raja dan ditetapkan suatu larangan, agar barangsiapa yang dalam tiga puluh hari menyampaikan permohonan kepada salah satu dewa atau manusia kecuali kepada tuanku, ya raja, maka ia akan dilemparkan ke dalam gua singa.
(7) 우리 총리들과 수령들과 총독들과 보좌관들과 지휘관들이 의논한 것이 있습니다. 우리는 왕이 한 가지 법을 세우셔야 한다고 생각합니다. 그것은 바로, 앞으로 삼십 일 동안 왕 이외에 다른 신이나 다른 사람에게 기도를 하는 자가 있으면 누구든지 사자굴에 넣어야 한다는 것입니다.
(7) All the commissioners of the kingdom, the prefects and the satraps, the counselors and the governors have consulted and agreed together that the king should establish a royal statute and enforce an injunction that anyone who petitions (prays to) any god or man besides you, O king, during the next thirty days, shall be thrown into the den of lions.
(8) (6-9) Oleh sebab itu, ya raja, keluarkanlah larangan itu dan buatlah suatu surat perintah yang tidak dapat diubah, menurut undang-undang orang Media dan Persia, yang tidak dapat dicabut kembali."
(8) 왕이시여, 이 법을 세우십시오. 메대와 페르시아의 법은 예로부터 고치지 못하는 것이었으니, 이 법에도 도장을 찍어 고치지 못하게 하십시오.”
(8) Now, O king, establish the injunction and sign the document so that it may not be changed, in accordance with the law of the Medes and Persians, which [insures that it] may not be altered or revoked."
(9) (6-10) Sebab itu raja Darius membuat surat perintah dengan larangan itu.
(9) 다리오 왕은 법을 세우고 거기에 도장을 찍었습니다.
(9) So King Darius signed the document, that is, the injunction.
(10) (6-11) Demi didengar Daniel, bahwa surat perintah itu telah dibuat, pergilah ia ke rumahnya. Dalam kamar atasnya ada tingkap-tingkap yang terbuka ke arah Yerusalem; tiga kali sehari ia berlutut, berdoa serta memuji Allahnya, seperti yang biasa dilakukannya.
(10) 다니엘은 왕이 새 법에 도장을 찍은 것을 알고도 자기 집 다락방으로 올라가 늘 하던 것처럼 하루에 세 번씩 무릎을 꿇고 하나님께 기도하며 감사를 드렸습니다. 그 방 창문은 예루살렘 쪽을 향해 열려 있었습니다.
(10) Now when Daniel knew that the document was signed, he went into his house (now in his roof chamber his windows were open toward Jerusalem); he continued to get down on his knees three times a day, praying and giving thanks before his God, as he had been doing previously.
(11) (6-12) Lalu orang-orang itu bergegas-gegas masuk dan mendapati Daniel sedang berdoa dan bermohon kepada Allahnya.
(11) 그 사람들이 무리를 지어 가다가 다니엘이 하나님께 간절히 기도드리는 모습을 보았습니다.
(11) Then, by agreement, these men came [together] and found Daniel praying and making requests before his God.
(12) (6-13) Kemudian mereka menghadap raja dan menanyakan kepadanya tentang larangan raja: "Bukankah tuanku mengeluarkan suatu larangan, supaya setiap orang yang dalam tiga puluh hari menyampaikan permohonan kepada salah satu dewa atau manusia kecuali kepada tuanku, ya raja, akan dilemparkan ke dalam gua singa?" Jawab raja: "Perkara ini telah pasti menurut undang-undang orang Media dan Persia, yang tidak dapat dicabut kembali."
(12) 그들은 왕에게 가서 왕이 세운 법에 대해 말했습니다. “왕이시여, 왕은 앞으로 삼십 일 동안 왕 외에 다른 신이나 다른 사람에게 기도를 하면 누구든지 사자굴에 넣는다는 법을 세우시고 거기에 도장을 찍지 않으셨습니까?” 왕이 대답했습니다. “그렇다. 내가 그 법을 세웠다. 또한 메대와 페르시아의 법은 고칠 수 없다.”
(12) Then they approached and spoke before the king regarding his injunction, "Have you not signed an injunction that anyone who petitions (prays to) any god or man except you, O king, within the designated thirty days, is to be thrown into the den of lions?" The king answered, "The statement is true, in accordance with the law of the Medes and Persians, which may not be altered or revoked."
(13) (6-14) Lalu kata mereka kepada raja: "Daniel, salah seorang buangan dari Yehuda, tidak mengindahkan tuanku, ya raja, dan tidak mengindahkan larangan yang tuanku keluarkan, tetapi tiga kali sehari ia mengucapkan doanya."
(13) 그 사람들이 왕에게 말했습니다. “유다에서 잡혀온 사람 중 다니엘이 왕께서 도장을 찍으신 법을 무시하고 아직도 날마다 하루에 세 번씩 자기 하나님께 기도하고 있습니다.”
(13) Then they answered and said before the king, "Daniel, who is one of the exiles from Judah, does not pay any attention to you, O king, or to the injunction which you have signed, but keeps praying [to his God] three times a day."
(14) (6-15) Setelah raja mendengar hal itu, maka sangat sedihlah ia, dan ia mencari jalan untuk melepaskan Daniel, bahkan sampai matahari masuk, ia masih berusaha untuk menolongnya.
(14) 왕은 그 말을 듣고 매우 괴로워했습니다. 왕은 다니엘을 구하고 싶어서 해가 질 때까지 그를 구할 방법을 찾으려 애썼습니다.
(14) Then, as soon as the king heard these words, he was deeply distressed [over what he had done] and set his mind on rescuing Daniel; and he struggled until the sun went down [trying to work out a way] to save him.
(15) (6-16) Lalu bergegas-gegaslah orang-orang itu menghadap raja serta berkata kepadanya: "Ketahuilah, ya raja, bahwa menurut undang-undang orang Media dan Persia tidak ada larangan atau penetapan yang dikeluarkan raja yang dapat diubah!"
(15) 그 사람들이 무리를 지어 왕에게 가서 말했습니다. “왕이시여, 메대와 페르시아의 법은 왕이 한 번 법이나 명령을 내리고 나서는 그것을 다시 고칠 수 없다는 것을 기억하십시오.”
(15) Then, by agreement, these same men came to the king and said, "Know, O king, that it is a law of the Medes and Persians that no injunction or statute which the king establishes may be altered or revoked."
(16) (6-17) Sesudah itu raja memberi perintah, lalu diambillah Daniel dan dilemparkan ke dalam gua singa. Berbicaralah raja kepada Daniel: "Allahmu yang kausembah dengan tekun, Dialah kiranya yang melepaskan engkau!"
(16) 그래서 다리오 왕은 명령을 내려 다니엘을 붙잡아 사자굴에 넣게 했습니다. 왕이 다니엘에게 말했습니다. “네가 늘 섬기던 너의 하나님이 너를 구해 주실 것이다.”
(16) {Daniel in the Den of Lions}Then the king gave a command, and Daniel was brought and thrown into the den of lions. The king said to Daniel, "May your God, whom you constantly serve, rescue you Himself!"
(17) (6-18) Maka dibawalah sebuah batu dan diletakkan pada mulut gua itu, lalu raja mencap itu dengan cincin meterainya dan dengan cincin meterai para pembesarnya, supaya dalam hal Daniel tidak dibuat perubahan apa-apa.
(17) 사람들이 큰 돌 하나를 굴려 와서 사자굴 입구를 막았습니다. 그러자 왕이 도장으로 사용하는 반지와 신하들의 도장으로 바위 위에 찍었습니다. 아무도 그 바위를 옮겨 다니엘을 꺼내지 못하게 하기 위한 것이었습니다.
(17) A stone was brought and laid over the mouth of the den; and the king sealed it with his own signet ring and with the signet rings of his nobles, so that nothing would be changed concerning Daniel.
(18) (6-19) Lalu pergilah raja ke istananya dan berpuasalah ia semalam-malaman itu; ia tidak menyuruh datang penghibur-penghibur, dan ia tidak dapat tidur.
(18) 그런 뒤에 다리오 왕은 왕궁으로 돌아갔습니다. 그 날 밤, 왕은 아무것도 먹지 않았으며 오락도 금지시켰습니다. 왕은 잠도 자지 못했습니다.
(18) Then the king returned to his palace and spent the night fasting; and no music or entertainment was brought before him, and he remained unable to sleep.
(19) (6-20) Pagi-pagi sekali ketika fajar menyingsing, bangunlah raja dan pergi dengan buru-buru ke gua singa;
(19) 이튿날 아침, 다리오 왕은 새벽에 일어나 급히 사자굴로 가 보았습니다.
(19) Then the king arose at dawn, at the break of day, and hurried to the den of lions.
(20) (6-21) dan ketika ia sampai dekat gua itu, berserulah ia kepada Daniel dengan suara yang sayu. Berkatalah ia kepada Daniel: "Daniel, hamba Allah yang hidup, Allahmu yang kausembah dengan tekun, telah sanggupkah Ia melepaskan engkau dari singa-singa itu?"
(20) 왕은 굴에 가까이 이르러 걱정하는 목소리로 다니엘을 불렀습니다. “살아 계신 하나님의 종 다니엘아, 네가 늘 섬기는 하나님이 너를 사자들로부터 구해 주셨느냐?”
(20) When he had come near the den, he called out to Daniel with a troubled voice. The king said to Daniel, "O Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you constantly serve, been able to rescue you from the lions?"
(21) (6-22) Lalu kata Daniel kepada raja: "Ya raja, kekallah hidupmu!
(21) 다니엘이 대답했습니다. “왕이시여, 만수무강 하십시오.
(21) Then Daniel spoke to the king, "O king, live forever!
(22) (6-23) Allahku telah mengutus malaikat-Nya untuk mengatupkan mulut singa-singa itu, sehingga mereka tidak mengapa-apakan aku, karena ternyata aku tak bersalah di hadapan-Nya; tetapi juga terhadap tuanku, ya raja, aku tidak melakukan kejahatan."
(22) 나의 하나님께서 천사들을 보내셔서 사자들의 입을 막으셨습니다. 하나님께서는 내가 죄가 없다는 것을 아시기 때문에 사자들이 나를 해치지 못하게 하셨습니다. 왕이시여, 나는 왕에게 잘못한 일이 없습니다.”
(22) My God has sent His angel and has shut the mouths of the lions so that they have not hurt me, because I was found innocent before Him; and also before you, O king, I have committed no crime."
(23) (6-24) Lalu sangat sukacitalah raja dan ia memberi perintah, supaya Daniel ditarik dari dalam gua itu. Maka ditariklah Daniel dari dalam gua itu, dan tidak terdapat luka apa-apa padanya, karena ia percaya kepada Allahnya.
(23) 다리오 왕은 너무 기뻤습니다. 그는 종들에게 다니엘을 사자굴에서 꺼내라고 말했습니다. 왕의 종들이 다니엘을 꺼내 보니 다니엘의 몸에는 아무런 상처도 없었습니다. 그것은 다니엘이 자기 하나님을 믿었기 때문입니다.
(23) Then the king was greatly pleased and ordered that Daniel be taken out of the den. So Daniel was taken out of the den, and no injury whatever was found on him, because he believed in and relied on and trusted in his God.
(24) (6-25) Raja memberi perintah, lalu diambillah orang-orang yang telah menuduh Daniel dan mereka dilemparkan ke dalam gua singa, baik mereka maupun anak-anak dan isteri-isteri mereka. Belum lagi mereka sampai ke dasar gua itu, singa-singa itu telah menerkam mereka, bahkan meremukkan tulang-tulang mereka.
(24) 왕이 명령을 내려 다니엘을 고소한 사람들뿐 아니라 그 아내와 자녀들까지 데려와 사자굴에 넣게 했습니다. 사람들이 그들을 굴에 넣었더니 바닥에 닿기도 전에 사자들이 덮쳐서 그들의 뼈까지 부수어 버렸습니다.
(24) The king then gave a command, and those men who had maliciously accused Daniel were brought and thrown into the den of lions, they, their children and their wives; and before they reached the bottom of the den, the lions overpowered them and crushed all their bones.
(25) (6-26) Kemudian raja Darius mengirim surat kepada orang-orang dari segala bangsa, suku bangsa dan bahasa, yang mendiami seluruh bumi, bunyinya: "Bertambah-tambahlah kiranya kesejahteraanmu!
(25) 왕이 백성들과 나라들과 각기 다른 말을 쓰는 모든 사람들에게 조서를 내렸습니다. “너희에게 평안이 넘치기를 원하노라.
(25) Then Darius the king wrote to all the peoples, nations, and speakers of every language who were living in all the land: "May peace abound to you!
(26) (6-27) Bersama ini kuberikan perintah, bahwa di seluruh kerajaan yang kukuasai orang harus takut dan gentar kepada Allahnya Daniel, sebab Dialah Allah yang hidup, yang kekal untuk selama-lamanya; pemerintahan-Nya tidak akan binasa dan kekuasaan-Nya tidak akan berakhir.
(26) 내가 새 법을 세운다. 내 나라에서 사는 백성은 모두 다니엘의 하나님을 두렵고 떨림으로 섬겨야 한다. 다니엘의 하나님은 살아 계신 하나님이시며, 영원히 사시는 분이시다. 그의 나라는 결코 망하지 않으며, 그의 다스리심은 영원할 것이다.
(26) I issue a decree that in all the dominion of my kingdom men are to [reverently] fear and tremble before the God of Daniel, For He is the living God, enduring and steadfast forever, And His kingdom is one which will not be destroyed, And His dominion will be forever.
(27) (6-28) Dia melepaskan dan menolong, dan mengadakan tanda dan mujizat di langit dan di bumi, Dia yang telah melepaskan Daniel dari cengkaman singa-singa."
(27) 하나님은 백성을 건져 내기도 하시고 구원하시기도 하신다. 하늘과 땅에서 놀라운 기적을 일으키신다. 하나님께서 다니엘을 사자들의 입에서 구해 주셨다.”
(27) "He rescues and saves and performs signs and wonders In heaven and on earth— He who has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions."
(28) (6-29) Dan Daniel ini mempunyai kedudukan tinggi pada zaman pemerintahan Darius dan pada zaman pemerintahan Koresh, orang Persia itu.
(28) 다니엘은 다리오 왕과 페르시아 사람 고레스 왕이 다스리는 동안 평안히 살았습니다.
(28) So this [man] Daniel prospered and enjoyed success in the reign of Darius and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian.
Daniel / Daniel / 다니엘
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