
Alkitab Online Kristiani Indonesia

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Alkitab (Bible)
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Hosea / Hosea / 호세아
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Terjemahan Baru 1974
아가페 쉬운 성경 1994

[Bahasa Indonesia Sehari Hari 1985]
English Amplified 2015

[Versi Mudah Dibaca 2006]
(sambungan dari) 5:15 - 6:6 = Pertobatan yang pura-pura dari pihak orang Israel
(1) Mari, kita akan berbalik kepada TUHAN, sebab Dialah yang telah menerkam dan yang akan menyembuhkan kita, yang telah memukul dan yang akan membalut kita.
(1) 가서 여호와께로 돌아가자. `여호와께서 우리를 치셨으나 다시 낫게 해 주실 것이요, 우리에게 상처를 내셨으나 다시 아물게 해 주실 것이다.
(1) {The Response to God's Rebuke}"Come and let us return [in repentance] to the LORD, For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bandage us.
(2) Ia akan menghidupkan kita sesudah dua hari, pada hari yang ketiga Ia akan membangkitkan kita, dan kita akan hidup di hadapan-Nya.
(2) 여호와께서 이틀 뒤에 우리를 다시 살려 주시고, 사흘 째에 우리를 다시 일으켜 주실 것이다. 그래서 우리가 주 앞에서 살 수 있게 될 것이다.
(2) "After two days He will revive us; On the third day He will raise us up That we may live before Him.
(3) Marilah kita mengenal dan berusaha sungguh-sungguh mengenal TUHAN; Ia pasti muncul seperti fajar, Ia akan datang kepada kita seperti hujan, seperti hujan pada akhir musim yang mengairi bumi."
(3) 여호와를 알자. 우리가 여호와를 아는 데 전력하자. 날마다 새벽이 오듯이 주도 틀림없이 오실 것이다. 소나기처럼, 땅을 적시는 봄비처럼 주께서 오실 것이다.
(3) "So let us know and become personally acquainted with Him; let us press on to know and understand fully the [greatness of the] LORD [to honor, heed, and deeply cherish Him]. His appearing is prepared and is as certain as the dawn, And He will come to us [in salvation] like the [heavy] rain, Like the spring rain watering the earth."
(4) Apakah yang akan Kulakukan kepadamu, hai Efraim? Apakah yang akan Kulakukan kepadamu, hai Yehuda? Kasih setiamu seperti kabut pagi, dan seperti embun yang hilang pagi-pagi benar.
(4) “에브라임아, 내가 네게 어떻게 하면 좋겠느냐? 유다야, 내가 네게 어떻게 하면 좋겠느냐? 너희들의 인애가 아침의 구름 같고 쉽게 사라지는 아침 이슬 같구나.
(4) {The Reply of the Lord}O Ephraim, what shall I do with you? O Judah, what shall I do with you? For your [wavering] loyalty and kindness are [transient] like the morning cloud And like the dew that goes away early.
(5) Sebab itu Aku telah meremukkan mereka dengan perantaraan nabi-nabi, Aku telah membunuh mereka dengan perkataan mulut-Ku, dan hukum-Ku keluar seperti terang.
(5) 그러므로 내가 예언자들을 보내어 너희를 죽이고 망하게 하겠다고 경고했다. 내 심판이 번개처럼 너희를 향해 나갔다.
(5) Therefore, I have hewn them in pieces by [the words of] the prophets; I have slain them by the words of My mouth; My judgments [pronounced upon them by the prophets] are like the light that shines forth [obvious to all].
(6) Sebab Aku menyukai kasih setia, dan bukan korban sembelihan, dan menyukai pengenalan akan Allah, lebih dari pada korban-korban bakaran.
(6) 내가 바라는 것은 제사가 아니라 진실한 사랑이며, 태워 드리는 제사인 번제가 아니라 하나님을 아는 지식이다.
(6) For I desire and delight in [steadfast] loyalty [faithfulness in the covenant relationship], rather than sacrifice, And in the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.
6:7 - 7:2 = Efraim tidak mau bertobat
(7) Tetapi mereka itu telah melangkahi perjanjian di Adam, di sana mereka telah berkhianat terhadap Aku.
(7) 그러나 아담이 언약을 어겼듯이 너희도 언약을 어겼고, 내게 진실하지 않았다.
(7) But they, like Adam, have transgressed the covenant; There they have dealt treacherously against Me.
(8) Gilead adalah kota para penjahat, penuh dengan jejak darah.
(8) 길르앗은 악한 사람들로 가득하다. 피의 발자국으로 덮여 있다.
(8) Gilead is a city of wrongdoers; It is tracked with bloody footprints.
(9) Seperti gerombolan menghadang demikianlah persekutuan para imam; mereka membunuh di jalan ke Sikhem, sungguh, mereka melakukan perbuatan mesum.
(9) 강도 떼가 숨어서 사람을 기다리듯 제사장들이 숨어서 기다리며, 세겜으로 가는 길에서 살인을 하고 악한 죄를 짓는다.
(9) And as bands of robbers [lie in] wait for a man, So a band of priests murder on the road toward Shechem [covering their crimes in that city of refuge]; Certainly they have committed crimes and outrages.
(10) Di antara kaum Israel telah Kulihat hal-hal yang mengerikan; di sana ada Efraim bersundal dan Israel telah menajiskan diri.
(10) 이스라엘에서 끔찍한 일이 일어나는 것을 내가 보았다. 그 백성은 하나님께 진실하지 못했고, 이스라엘은 몸을 더럽혔다.
(10) I have seen a horrible thing [sins of every kind] in the house of Israel! Ephraim's prostitution (idolatry) is there; Israel has defiled itself.
(11) Juga bagimu, hai Yehuda, telah ditentukan penuaian: Apabila Aku memulihkan keadaan umat-Ku,
(11) 또한 유다야, 내가 너를 심판할 때를 정해 놓았다. 나는 내 백성을 회복시켜 주려 했다.”
(11) Also, O Judah, there is a harvest [of divine judgment] appointed for you, When I restore the fortunes of My people [who have been slaves to the misery of sin].
Hosea / Hosea / 호세아
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