
Alkitab Online Kristiani Indonesia

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Nahum / Nahum / 나훔
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Terjemahan Baru 1974
아가페 쉬운 성경 1994

[Bahasa Indonesia Sehari Hari 1985]
English Amplified 2015

[Versi Mudah Dibaca 2006]
3:1-19 = Hukuman atas Niniwe
(1) Celakalah kota penumpah darah itu! Seluruhnya dusta belaka, penuh dengan perampasan, dan tidak henti-hentinya penerkaman!
(1) 화로다! 피의 도성이여! 거짓말이 가득하고 강포가 가득하며 살육이 떠나지 않는다.
(1) {Nineveh's Complete Ruin}Woe (judgment is coming) to the city of blood [guilty of murder and mayhem], completely full of lies and pillage; Her prey never departs [alive].
(2) Dengar, lecut cambuk dan derak-derik roda! Dengar, kuda lari menderap, dan kereta meloncat-loncat!
(2) 말채찍 소리를 들어 보고 전차 바퀴 소리를 들어 보아라. 말들이 달려오고 전차들이 몰려온다.
(2) The noise of the [cracking of the] whip, The noise of the rattling of the wheel, Galloping horses And rumbling and bounding chariots [in the assault of Nineveh]!
(3) Pasukan berkuda menyerang, pedang bernyala-nyala dan tombak berkilat-kilat! Banyak yang mati terbunuh dan bangkai bertimbun-timbun! Tidak habis-habisnya mayat-mayat, orang tersandung jatuh pada mayat-mayat!
(3) 기마병들이 쳐들어온다. 그들의 칼이 번쩍이며 그들의 창이 번뜩인다. 시체가 마치 산처럼 쌓여 있어 셀 수조차 없다. 사람들이 시체에 걸려 넘어진다.
(3) Horsemen charging, Swords flashing, spears gleaming, Many slain, a mass of corpses, No end of corpses— The horsemen stumble over the corpses!
(4) Semuanya karena banyaknya persundalan si perempuan sundal, yang cantik parasnya dan ahli dalam sihir, yang memperdayakan bangsa-bangsa dengan persundalannya dan kaum-kaum dengan sihirnya.
(4) 그 성은 창녀 같았다. 한껏 멋을 부렸고 마술을 좋아했다. 음란한 짓으로 나라들을 꾀었고 마술로 민족들을 유혹했다.
(4) All because of the many acts of prostitution of [Nineveh] the prostitute, The charming and well-favored one, the mistress of sorceries, Who betrays nations by her acts of prostitution (idolatry) And families by her sorceries.
(5) Lihat, Aku akan menjadi lawanmu, demikianlah firman TUHAN semesta alam; Aku akan mengangkat ujung kainmu sampai ke mukamu dan akan memperlihatkan auratmu kepada bangsa-bangsa dan kemaluanmu kepada kerajaan-kerajaan.
(5) “보라, 내가 너를 치겠다.” 만군의 여호와의 말씀이다. “네 치마를 네 얼굴 위로 걷어올려 네 벌거벗은 몸을 온 나라가 보게 하겠다. 네 부끄러운 곳을 왕국들이 보게 하겠다.
(5) "Behold, I am against you," declares the LORD of hosts, "And I will lift up your skirts over your face, And I will let the nations look at your nakedness [O Nineveh] And the kingdoms at your disgrace.
(6) Aku akan melemparkan barang keji ke atasmu, akan menghina engkau dan akan membuat engkau menjadi tontonan.
(6) 더러운 것을 네게 던지겠고 너를 조롱거리로 만들겠다. 사람들이 네 모습을 보고 비웃을 것이다.
(6) "I will throw filth on you And make you vile and treat you with contempt, And set you up as a spectacle.
(7) Maka semua orang yang melihat engkau akan lari meninggalkan engkau serta berkata: "Niniwe sudah rusak! Siapakah yang meratapi dia? Dari manakah aku akan mencari penghibur-penghibur untuk dia?"
(7) 너를 보는 사람마다 달아나며 ‘니느웨가 폐허가 되었다. 누가 망한 니느웨를 위해 슬퍼하랴?’고 말한다. 니느웨야, 너를 위로할 사람을 찾을 수 없구나.”
(7) "And it will come about that all who see you Will shrink back and run from you and say, 'Nineveh is completely ruined! Who will grieve for her?' Where will I seek comforters for you?"
(8) Adakah engkau lebih baik dari Tebe, kota dewa Amon, yang letaknya di sungai Nil, dengan air sekelilingnya, yang tembok kotanya adalah laut, dan bentengnya adalah air?
(8) 니느웨야, 너는 테베보다 나은 것이 없다. 나일 강가에 자리잡고 있는 테베는 강물에 둘러싸여 있다. 테베에게는 강이 곧 방벽이며 강물이 곧 성벽이다.
(8) Are you better than Thebes, Which was situated by the waters of the Nile, With water surrounding her, Whose defense was the sea (the Nile), Whose wall consisted of the sea?
(9) Etiopia adalah kekuatannya, juga Mesir, dengan tidak terbatas; Put dan orang-orang Libia adalah pembantunya.
(9) 에티오피아와 이집트가 힘이 되어 주고 붓과 리비아가 도와 주었다.
(9) Ethiopia was her strength, And Egypt too, without limits. Put and Lubim were among her helpers.
(10) Tetapi dia sendiripun terpaksa pergi ke dalam pembuangan, terpaksa masuk ke dalam tawanan. Bayi-bayinyapun diremukkan di ujung segala jalan; tentang semua orangnya yang dihormati dibuang undi, dan semua pembesarnya dibelenggu dengan rantai.
(10) 그러나 테베도 정복되었다. 그 백성은 포로로 끌려가고, 길 모퉁이마다 어린아이들이 내동댕이쳐졌다. 제비 뽑기에 걸린 귀족들은 종이 되어 끌려가고 지도자들은 모두 사슬에 묶였다.
(10) Yet she became an exile; She went into captivity. Her young children were dashed to pieces At the head of every street; They cast lots for her honorable men, And all her great men were bound with chains.
(11) Engkaupun akan menjadi mabuk, akan menjadi tidak berdaya; engkaupun akan mencari tempat perlindungan terhadap musuh.
(11) 니느웨야, 너 역시 술 취한 사람처럼 비틀거릴 것이다. 이리저리 도망할 것이며 원수를 피해 숨을 곳을 찾아다닐 것이다.
(11) You too [Nineveh] will become drunk [with the cup of God's wrath]; You will be hidden. You too [Nineveh] will search [in vain] for a refuge from the enemy.
(12) Segala kubumu adalah seperti pohon ara dengan buah ara yang masak duluan; jika diayunkan, maka jatuhlah buahnya ke dalam mulut orang yang hendak memakannya.
(12) 네 모든 요새는 잘 익은 무화과나무 열매 같아서 나무를 흔들면 입 안으로 열매가 떨어지는 것과 같을 것이다.
(12) All your fortresses are [nothing but] fig trees with ripe figs— When shaken they fall into the mouth of the eater.
(13) Sesungguhnya, laskar yang di tengah-tengahmu itu adalah perempuan-perempuan; pintu-pintu gerbang negerimu terbuka lebar-lebar untuk musuhmu; api telah memakan habis palang pintumu.
(13) 네 군인들을 보아라. 여자처럼 힘이 없구나! 네 땅의 성문은 모두 활짝 열려 있고, 성문 빗장은 불에 타 버렸다.
(13) Behold, your people are [as weak and helpless as] women in your midst! The gates of your land are opened wide to your enemies; Fire consumes the bars across your gates.
(14) Timbalah air menghadapi pengepungan, perkuatlah kubu-kubumu! Pijaklah lumpur, injaklah tanah liat, peganglah acuan batu bata!
(14) 적들에게 둘러싸이기 전에 물을 길어 두어라. 요새를 굳건히 해 두어라. 진흙을 이겨 벽돌을 만들어 성벽을 수리하여라.
(14) Draw water for a [long, continued] siege! Strengthen your fortresses! Go down to the clay pits, trample the mortar! Prepare the brick kiln [to burn bricks for the rampart]!
(15) Di sana api akan memakan engkau habis, pedang akan membabat engkau, akan memakan engkau seperti belalang pelompat. Sekalipun engkau berjumlah besar seperti belalang pelompat, berjumlah besar seperti belalang pindahan,
(15) 메뚜기들이 작물을 먹어치우듯이 그 곳에서 불이 너를 삼킬 것이다. 칼이 너를 죽일 것이다. 풀무치 떼처럼 불어나라. 메뚜기 떼처럼 불어나라.
(15) But there [in the very midst of these preparations] the fire will devour you; The sword will cut you down; It will devour you as the locust does. Multiply yourself like the creeping locusts; Multiply yourself like the swarming locusts.
(16) sekalipun kauperbanyak orang-orang dagangmu lebih dari bintang-bintang di langit, seperti belalang pelompat mereka mengembangkan sayap dan terbang menghilang.
(16) 네가 상인들을 하늘의 별보다 많게 하였으나 그들이 메뚜기 떼처럼 땅을 황폐하게 하고 날아가 버릴 것이다.
(16) You have increased your traders more than the [visible] stars of heaven— The creeping locust strips and destroys and then flies away.
(17) Sekalipun para penjagamu seperti belalang pindahan dan para pegawaimu seperti kawanan belalang, yang hinggap pada tembok-tembok pada waktu dingin, namun jika matahari terbit, mereka lari menghilang, tidak ketahuan tempatnya.
(17) 네 수비대와 관리들도 차가운 날에 담장 위에 날아와 앉는 메뚜기 떼 같다. 그들은 해가 떠오르면 날아가 버리는 메뚜기 떼같이 아무도 모르는 곳으로 사라져 버린다.
(17) Your guardsmen are like the swarming locusts. Your marshals are like the hordes of grasshoppers Settling in the stone walls on a cold day. When the sun rises, they fly away, And no one knows the place where they are.
(18) Celaka! Alangkah terlelapnya para gembalamu, hai raja negeri Asyur! Para pemukamu tertidur, laskarmu berserak-serak di gunung-gunung, dan tidak ada yang mengumpulkan.
(18) 앗시리아의 왕아, 네 통치자들이 잠들었고 네 귀족들이 잠에 빠져 있다. 네 백성이 이 산 저 산으로 흩어졌으나 아무도 불러모을 사람이 없다.
(18) Your shepherds are asleep, O king of Assyria; Your nobles are lying down [in death]. Your people are scattered on the mountains And there is no one to gather them.
(19) Tiada pengobatan untuk cederamu, lukamu tidak tersembuhkan. Semua orang yang mendengar tentang engkau bertepuk tangan karena engkau; sebab kepada siapakah tidak tertimpa perbuatan jahatmu terus-menerus?
(19) 아무도 네 상처를 고치지 못한다. 네 부상은 치명적이다. 네 소식을 듣는 사람마다 손뼉을 칠 것이다. 계속된 너의 잔인함을 겪지 않은 자가 누가 있겠느냐?
(19) There is no relief and healing for your hurt; Your wound is incurable. All who hear the news about you Clap their hands over [what has happened to] you. For on whom has your [unceasing] evil not come continually?
Nahum / Nahum / 나훔
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